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Article: Quiet spells
Posted on 09 October 2021

Quiet spells -

If you're reading this then you must be going through a quiet spell & wondering why sometimes this happens? One minute you have lots of orders coming in and then it stops?

Why is it quiet? I am getting asked this a lot lately & I'm getting asked to do a lot of seller profile checks - so I thought I'd write a blog about it.

PLEASE DON'T PANIC! Chances are if you've been quiet everyone else has.... There's lots of reasons why it can suddenly go quiet - so it's not you!

If it is quiet please don't think you need to lower your prices, although having a sale isn't such a bad idea but never go below £15 for used panties because you'll just start a price war in the platform. Once you lower your prices everyone else will follow.

You need to remember that this is a luxury service to most if not all buyers, so you need to factor in the continuous rising living costs & if that's the case less people will be buying.

Then there's other reasons why buyers may not be spending, such as - illness, going on holiday, bank holidays, birthdays, Xmas, school uniforms to buy & waiting for pay day etc...

So how do you deal with quiet spells? Firstly don't get your knickers in a twist lol! And never give up. Keep moving forward, keep busy & keep being you (that is the most important thing)

I have a few suggestions below on what to do when it goes quiet -

1. Keep posting on EDUK, just showing up increases your chances of being noticed by a buyer - even if you just post to your journal or re post some pictures or adverts. Like and comment on other members posts.

2. Branch out, try looking into branching out a little, obviously you don't want to spend money that you haven't got. Why not look into advertising on places where it is free? Such as Twitter or Only Fans?

3. Refresh your adverts & profile. Maybe re write your bio, upload some new pictures, add a new advert - getting these little jobs done while you are quiet may attract a new buyer.

4. Contact members. Get it touch with past buyers, ask them how they are (do not directly sell to them because this may put them off you) Contact other buyers and sellers, just ask how they are - it's nice to be nice. You can even set up a group chat?

Things not to do when it's quiet OR just in general OR things that just personally pee me off -

1. Do nothing at all, don't post things & sit and wait for buyers to get in touch with you - like your going to get any sales by doing this? It actually takes some effort to sell you know!

2. Don't contact other members & don't comment on anything.... It makes you look boring & unapproachable in my opinion, yes you maybe shy - however it doesn't take a lot of effort to "like" members posts does it?

3. Only post about selling or complain in posts. It's very unattractive to be honest, buyers like to know a little bit about you - even if its just to show them your new pretty nail varnish...

4. Being vague about what you offer in your bio, adverts & journal etc... for example - "I cover most fetishes, get in touch" "Tell me what you want" OR being conceited for example - "I'm a red hot 35 year old Milf & did you know I'm THE number 1 panty seller, get in touch" Like this is helpful to the buyer!

The bottom line is just keep on being you, communicate with people, post about yourself on EDUK, Twitter, Reddit & any other social media platform to drive more traffic to your profile. Please remember that EDUK are ALWAYS here to listen!

I hope this has helped you,

Good Luck!